Wordsrack & WordPress FAQ2016-10-21T12:57:53-04:00
Upload a picture with a Watermark to Photo Gallery2016-10-21T12:57:56-04:00

Get your Image into a Footer2024-01-18T20:09:53-05:00
get your image into a footer
  1. Navigate to “Posts, Add New” in WordPress dashboard left menu.
  2. Click “Default Editor” above edit window.
  3. Click “Add Media” above edit window.
  4. Add Media – during add media remember to insert Alt Text into the media in the right sidebar dialog area.
  5. Switch to text mode after adding image/media.
  6. The image below in text mode will look like this:    <img class=”aligncenter size-full wp-image-15129″ src=”https://wordsrack.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/get-your-image-into-a-footer.png” alt=”get your image into a footer” width=”942″ height=”436″ />
  7. Drop the resulting html into a widget in Appearance/Widgets – drag a text box into one of the lower footer widgets and paste code.
  8. You can use this technique to put images in a lot of areas of the Avada (or any theme) such as the “Sliding Bar”
  9. We recommend saving a “Sandbox” post in “Draft Mode” so you can refer back to it and experiment even more. Enjoy!

get your image into a footer featured image 1

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